About Me

Hi, I'm Min (also known as minkonn)! I'm an indie game developer, artist, and animator from New Zealand, with a passion for narrative-driven videogames and pixel art.

I really love storytelling and it has been my strongest passion for a while. Since I can remember I’ve loved diving into worlds and making my own characters and stories, and throughout my life videogames have played a really substantial part in my creative inspiration. Games like ‘Undertale’, ‘Night In The Woods’, ‘Portal’ and (especially) ‘OMORI’ have really solidified my love and appreciation for the medium and it's power to use interactivity to tell even more touching, intimate and meaningful stories.

I dabble in many different mediums of art, whether it's pixel art, painting, graphic design, or non-digital mediums like music and writing: to explore, experience and study a wide variety of subjects that interest me is one of my top priorities at this point in my life.

Thank you for reading (if you've come this far), and I hope you enjoy my work! :D